Consumer passion for the environment grows as a result of the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to shape and shift consumption and lifestyle behaviors across the globe. A new study across 24 countries reveals 58% of adults are more mindful of their impact on the environment, and 85% said they’re willing to take personal action to combat environmental and sustainability challenges in 2022.

At a global level, key trends from the research include:

  • More than half (54%) of those surveyed across the world believe it’s more important to reduce their own carbon footprint since COVID-19
  • More than three in five (62%) say it’s now more important than before that companies behave in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way
  • Social media has increased awareness around environmental and climate change issues by 30% since the beginning of the pandemic

The trend toward more conscious consumption has accelerated over the last decade, but changes in attitudes and actions have increased more rapidly as a direct result of the pandemic.

As consumers across the globe call on companies and brands to behave in more sustainable and eco-friendly ways, global respondents also revealed that the top three issues they want companies and brands to focus on, in addition to dealing with the pandemic, are reducing waste (37%), reducing air and water pollution (35%), and tackling the issue of plastic pollution in packaging and products (35%). Being more aware of purchases is also one of the top changes that people will make as a result from COVID-19 (42%).

With growing consumer passion for the environment, Jaoudi Furniture continues focusing on manufacturing Reclaimed furniture products that help to save millions of trees and help tackle climate change, contribute to the future of our planet.

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